Use MS Outlook app to receive BSU or NTC email on your mobile device or phone.

Tags Outlook


Student and Employees


How can I check my BSU or NTC email on my mobile device or phone?


Microsoft's mobile version of Outlook lets students, faculty, and staff manage their BSU or NTC email and calendar events.

To get started, install the Microsoft Outlook app from the Google Play store or the App Store.

Outlook App Image

  1. After the app is installed on your device, open it.
  2. You will be asked for your email address on the Add Account (Android) or Add Email Account (iOS) page.
  3. Enter your StarID cedentials here, using the following format:
    1. (for students)
    2. (for employees)
  4. Enter your StarID password and follow the Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) prompts to either call or text your cell phone.
  5. Continue to your Inbox



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Article ID: 2863
Mon 1/31/22 12:24 PM
Mon 4/11/22 2:25 PM