TDX: How to use the Knowledge Base




How do I use the Knowledge Base?


The Knowledge Base (KB) is divided into many categories. The categories can contain sub-categories or articles themselves.

To aid in searching and overall clarity, Article titles are prefixed with the main subject of the article. As an example, an article that is about adding a printer to a MAC would have the prefix MAC: and the rest of the title may read, How to add a printer to a MAC. So entire title reads MAC: How to add a printer to a MAC. This aids a user in knowing what the article is about by reading the first word of the title.

To find an article there are two main ways: Searching or navigating the Categories.

  • Searching
    • To search for an article; locate the search box on the screen and begin typing
    • As characters are entered into the search box, search suggestions will begin appearing
    • If a suggestion is the desired article, select that suggestion, if not continue typing.
    • If you are unable to find an article answering your question, submit a Service Desk ticket
  • Navigating the Categories
    • To find an article, begin at the top most level of the categories
    • Find the category most related to your question and select it.
    • Continue selecting sub-categories until you find the article you are searching for.
    • If you are unable to find an article answering your question, submit a Service Desk ticket


Article ID: 1373
Fri 12/3/21 10:31 AM
Fri 12/3/21 10:31 AM