WIFI: Wireless configuration instructions for your personal device, Android


Students and Employees


How do I connect my Android device to BSU's or NTC's wifi network.


1. Open Settings and select Wi-Fi

2.  Find and click on the BSU or NTC network listed on your device.  You will need to adjust the connection settings for this network.

  • Network SSID: BSU or NTC
  • EAP method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
  • CA Certificate: Use system certificates
  • Online Certificate Status: Do not validate
  • Domain: acs2.bemidjistate.edu
  • Identity: Enter your Starid username here
    • StarID (for BSU students)
    • StarID@live.ntcmn.edu (for NTC students)
    • StarID@bemidjistate.edu (for BSU faculty and staff)
    • StarID@ntcmn.edu (for NTC faculty and staff)
  • Anonymous identity: left blank
  • Password: Enter your StarID password here

3.  Click Connect.

These are basic instructions for Android 7 OS.  Your device may differ slightly.

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Article ID: 150
Sat 7/31/21 11:56 AM
Thu 4/21/22 2:29 PM