VPN: Connecting to BSU/NTC VPN from a Windows 10 Employee Computer




How do I connect to VPN from my BSU computer?


Establish a secure off-site connection to BSU & NTC networks from your staff or faculty Windows 10 computer.

  1. Locate the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client by clicking Start button and typing Cisco…  Click the link to the client.  

Cisco AnyConnect


2. If this is the first time you are using the VPN, you’ll need to enter the following address into the client:  VPN.bemidjistate.edu and click connect.  You’ll only need to do this once.




3. From the credentials window, please select the correct Group:  BSU-StarID (for BSU employees) or NTC-StarID (for NTC employees).  Enter your StarID username and password in the following format:
BSU:  <starID>@bemidjistate.edu;
NTC:  <starID>@ntcmn.edu.


VPN credentials


4. Click Accept to agree to the Acceptable Use policy


VPN Accept


5. The client will indicate when you are securely connected to the BSU or NTC network.  When you are finished with your work, please disconnect the VPN.


VPN Connected