What is my BSU/NTC email address?
Once you have a StarID, log into MyBSU or MyNTC portal to find your email address.
Student can activate their StarID account by using their Tech ID number distributed in the welcome packet. More information on how to activate your StarID can be found on our How to Activate your StarID KB Article.
Once you know your StarID, log into MyBSU or MyNTC portal
Select either BSU Student, or NTC Student from the top drop down list. Then enter your StarID as the username and your StarID password.
Select Settings
Select Directory/Contact Information
This will then display your BSU or NTC profile, including your official email address.
Note: When you send a message from your BSU or NTC email account if the email address shown is from another institution, or not as you would expect, that is because you need to update your Default Email Address in StarID and pick your current institution. For more information on how to do this visit our KB on how to change your Default Email Address.