Setting Dates in Discussions, Quizzes, and Assignments


Directions on how to set dates in Discussions, Quizzes, and Assignments


There are many options for setting dates in D2L. By understanding start dates, due dates and end dates in each tool, you can make an informed decision on which dates work best for your class.

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In Discussions you have availability dates and locking dates

Availability controls when the items are visible to students. For example, if you make an item available from 1/20 to 1/27, that is when the item will show up on the student’s discussion board. In most cases, you do not want to add an availability End Date because it removes the item from student view with no ability for review. Instead, you add a locking End Date to stop additional posts from being added.

Locking controls when posts can be made to the item. For example, if you unlock an item from 1/20 to 1/27, that is when posts can be added. Once it is locked, no more posts can be added. Therefore, if you add a locking end date, you do not need to add an Availability end date.

For both of the above options, you can decide if either of the dates should be added to the calendar. In the example below, my topic is set to be available on 1/20 and to lock on 1/27, and both dates will show on the calendar.



In Quizzes you have due dates and end dates

Due Date: If ONLY a due date is set (without adding an End Date), students can take the quiz after the due date, but you will be able to see that the quiz was late. You would see a late notation on the “grade” page of the quiz.

  1. Click the arrow next to the quiz name
  2. Click Grade
  3. The late notation will be next to the details about when the student took the quiz

The benefit of using the due date only is that you don’t have to give special access (using the Restrictions tab of the quiz) to students who need to take the quiz late.

Due dates are automatically added to the calendar.

End Date: If you want to prevent students from taking a quiz after a specific date/time, you can add an End Date only. If you use the End Date and then a student needs an extension, you would give him or her special access (using the Restrictions tab of the quiz).

You decide if you want the End date (availability) added to the calendar.

Due date and End Date: In some cases, you may want to add both dates. An example would be if the quiz is due on 1/20, but you will allow late submissions up until 1/31. The system would still tell you the quiz was late, but would allow students to take it until the End date.

Due dates will show on the calendar automatically, but you can decide if the end date should be added. In the example below, the quiz is available on 1/14. It is due on 1/20, but can be taken until 1/31. The due date and end date will be added to the calendar. The start date isn’t added.

Dates and Restrictions


In Assignments you have due dates and end dates

Due Date: If ONLY a due date is set (without adding an End Date), students can submit the assignment after the due date, but you will be able to see that the submission was late. You would see a late notation on the submission page of the assignment. The date will automatically be added to the calendar.

  1. Click the name of the assignment
  2. The late notation will be next to the details about when the student submitted

The benefit of using the due date only is that you don’t have to give special access (using the Restrictions tab of the quiz) to students who need to submit the assignment late.

End Date: If you want to prevent students from submitting after a specific date/time, you can add an End Date. If you use the End Date and then a student needs an extension, you would give him or her special access (using the Restrictions tab of the assignment).

If you have an End date with no due date, the End date will automatically be added to the calendar.

Due date and End Date: In some cases, you may want to add both dates. An example would be if the assignment is due on 1/20, but you will allow late submissions up until 1/31. The system would still tell you the submission was late, but would allow students to submit until the End date. If you add both dates, Only the DUE DATE will be added to the calendar.

In the example below, the assignment is available now (no start date). It is due on 1/20, but submissions will be accepted until 1/31. The calendar will display the due date 1/20.

Restrictions tab


In Content you have start dates, due dates and end dates

Start Date: If you add a Start date to a Module, students will be able to see the Module name, the Module description, and the list of Topics in the Module; however, they will not be able to click on (open) any of the Topics within the Module until the Start Date. Module start dates show on the course calendar.

If you add a Start date to a Topic, students will be able to see the Topic and the Topic description, but they will not be able to click on the Topic until the Start date. Topic start dates will show on the course calendar.

Due Date: If you add a Due date to a Module or Topic, the date will show up in the course calendar.

End Date: If you add an End Date to a Module or Topic, the Module or Topic still shows up on the Content page, but it cannot be clicked (opened) by students after that date. Module End dates show on the course calendar, Topic End dates do not show on the course calendar.



Article ID: 11188
Thu 11/17/22 10:32 AM
Thu 11/17/22 10:32 AM