Sattgast 248: Smart Room Instructions


Directions on how to connect to Sattgast 248 smart room


Sattgast 248: smart room instructions

Sattgast 248 is a smart classroom that seats 70 people and is equipped with TV monitors, a computer, sound system, document camera, DVD/VCR player, and microphones.

Connecting a laptop
  1. Turn on the TV monitors using the Sony Monitor remote.
  2. Connect the VGA cable that extends from the top of the media cabinet to the monitor port on the laptop. An adapter may be necessary if the laptop does not have a VGA monitor port. All MacBook models will require an adapter.
  3. Press the Laptop button on the Extron switcher inside the media cabinet.
  4. Turn on the amplifier inside the cabinet and connect the audio cable to the headphone jack on the laptop if you wish to use the sound system in the room.
  5. Power up the laptop. If the laptop display is not shown, configure the laptop to send output to a second display.
Using the DVD/VCR player
  1. Turn on the TV monitors using the Sony Monitor remote.
  2. Press the DVD/VCR button on the Extron switcher inside the media cabinet.
  3. Turn on the DVD/VCR player inside the media cabinet.
  4. Turn on the amplifier.
  5. Insert the DVD or VHS tape you wish to play, and press Play on the front of the DVD/VCR or the remote.
Using the document camera
  1. Turn on the TV monitors using the Sony Monitor remote.
  2. Turn on the document camera.
  3. Press the Doc Cam button on the Extron switcher inside the media cabinet.
  4. Place the document or item to be shown on the bed of the document camera.
  5. Use the Zoom buttons on the document camera to zoom in and out on the items displayed.
Turn off system
  1. Turn off the TV monitors by pressing the Stand-By button on the Sony Monitor remote.
  2. Turn off the amplifier if you used it.
  3. Lock the media cabinet with the remotes inside.



Article ID: 1244
Mon 11/22/21 1:53 PM
Thu 12/2/21 11:52 AM