Adjust the Start and/or End Dates of a D2L Course


Directions on how to adjust the start and/or end date of a D2L course





How can I adjust the start date or end date for my D2L course?


If you would like to give students access to your D2L course shell before the term begins, or extended access after the course ends, you can adjust the Start and End Dates of the D2L shell.

NOTE 1: By default, student access to course shells ends 7 days after the course ends.

NOTE 2: If you manually change the start or end dates of your course shell, and then any element of the course is changed in ISRS (i.e. course dates, course section number, or course name), the course dates entered in ISRS will overwrite any manual changes that you have made.

NOTE 3: If you need to give an individual student access to a course shell to make up an incomplete, contact Beth Jensen in eLearning Support

  1. Click the Course Admin link on the navigation bar
  2. Click Course Offering Information
  3. Click into the calendar date box under the Course has Start Date and/or Course has End Date as necessary and make your date and time selections.
  4. Click the Save button
  5. Click the Close button

Additional Resources

Go to the eLearning Website for detailed tutorials on many D2L topics.



Article ID: 1595
Thu 12/9/21 5:47 PM
Tue 11/26/24 2:21 PM