What do I do if I don't seem to have the right Workday training or access?


What to do if you believe there is an error in your assigned security roles or training plan.



Workday access and training plans are based on security roles, which were assigned to individual BSU/NTC employees prior to go live by the institution's HR and Finance divisions based upon guidance from Minnesota State. Through the Friends of NextGen SharePoint site, employees can: 

Please note that some security roles may not be available until after Workday goes live in July 2024. 


What do I do if I don't seem to have the right Workday training or access? 


If an employee believes there is an error in their assigned security roles or training plan, it is recommended that the employee share their concern with their supervisor. If the supervisor determines the employee does not have the correct security role(s), the employee or supervisor may submit Security Role Request to see if a change to the employee's security roles is recommended by HR or Finance, as appropriate.



Article ID: 20071
Thu 6/27/24 10:41 AM
Wed 8/28/24 9:00 AM