Print Release and Card Reader Instructions


Directions on card reader and print release





How do I activate my BSU ID card for printing, and how do I release my print jobs?


In order to use print release you should activate your BSU ID to release print jobs.  If you forget your card you can always login to the printer manually to release the print job.

Activating your BSU ID card:

(at the printer)

  1. Swipe your BSU ID card just left of the printer’s keypad
  2. Touch the Username box on the printer’s keypad and enter your StarID (Staff & Faculty use your StarID.b)
  3. Touch the Password box on the printer’s keypad and enter your  StarID password
  4. Select the “Associate” button
  5. Log out of the printer
  6. Log back into the printer by swiping your BSU ID card to the left of the printer’s keypad


[note: Repeat this process until you can successfully login to the printer by swiping your BSU ID card]


Releasing your Print-Jobs:

(at the printer)

  1. Login (using either the touch screen or the card reader)
  2. Jobs will begin to print automatically after you login

[note: If you setup your print-job as ‘private’, you will be prompted for your password, and you will have to re-select the print-job you want to print]



Article ID: 2873
Mon 1/31/22 2:50 PM
Wed 9/13/23 9:44 AM