Introduction to Microsoft Teams


Students and Employees


What is Microsoft Teams and where can I find information and training on it?


Microsoft Teams is BSU’s and NTC’s Microsoft Office 365 collaboration tool.

Teams allows you and your group to share and edit documents, chat, have instant video meetings, all in a private and secure environment.

You can find the Team web client from your Office 365 home page, but we recommend using the dedicated desktop client.  If you don’t have the desktop client installed on your BSU or NTC computer, you can download it here:

Microsoft Office 365 App view

Click here for more training/information about Teams to get you started.

If you would like to set up a Team for your team, all BSU/NTC Employees to create them. Click here for more training/information about creating a Team

Currently only employee accounts are able to create Teams. If a student would like a Team for a Class, Club or Organization they will need to reach out to their instructor or Club/Org adviser to have them create the Team and then invite the student as either a member or owner.

Microsoft has an abundance of excellent training videos and tutorials, click here for more Teams training.

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Wed 11/10/21 6:16 PM
Wed 12/21/22 3:29 PM