Require someone to login to view a page or form


Choose whether or not to display the page content to unauthenticated users.


Who can use it?

Employees with editor access to a site.


When editing a page in WordPress, there is an option to require someone to log in before viewing a page or form. By default the option will be set to "No Authentication Required". That means it will be visible without needing to log in.

  1. While editing a page, locate the "Page Attributes" meta box.
  2. Use the drop down menu under "Authentication" to select the option you would like to apply to the page you are editing.
    • No Authentication Required - Anyone can view this page. No log in is required.
    • Authenticate to view entire page - Login is required to view any content on the page.
    • Authenticate to view only gravity form - All content except gravity forms will be displayed. A user must be logged in to view the form.
  3. Use the "Update" button to apply your changes. (If this is the first time you're saving the page the button will say "Save")



Article ID: 1377
Fri 12/3/21 1:24 PM
Fri 12/3/21 1:28 PM

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