Classlist Basics

Tags D2L Classlist




How do I use the D2L classlist to send emails, view user progress, and enrollment statistics?


You can use the Classlist to send emails, view user progress, and view enrollment statistics.

This article is also available in PDF Format.

There is also a helpful tutorial video available for this article.

Send an Email to the Entire Class
  1. Click the Communications menu
  2. Click Classlist
  3. Click the Email Classlist button at the top of the list

Email classlist


  1. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click the Send Email button
  2. Student email addresses will display in the Bcc field
  3. Enter or edit the Subject line, and type your Message, and click the Send button in the top left of the window

Alternately, to send an email to the entire class, you can select all students using the check box at the top of the list, then click the Email button. NOTE: Be sure you are viewing all students on the current page.



Send an Email to Select Users from Classlist
  1. Select the individual(s) you want to email by clicking the box in front of their name(s)
  2. Click the Email button at the top of the list
  3. Enter or edit the Subject line, and type your Message, and click the Send button in the top left of the window
Sorting Users

The Classlist has tabs that allow you to view individuals, groups or sections.

  1. Click on the tab you want to view, such as Students.
  2. If you want to communicate with one group or one section within a course, you can use the View By:
      1. Click the “View by:” filter, and choose “group/sections.”
      2. Click Apply
      3. Select the group/section you want to view, and click Apply again.
      4. Select all of the students, and click the Email button to compose a message.
      5. To return to the full classlist, select “View byUser” and then click Apply

Add participants to classlist


View User Progress

This tool allows you to view the progress of a single user including their discussion posts, assignment submissions, or access the amount of time that individual users have spent viewing content. You may use this page to show a student their grade progress.

  1. On the Classlist, click the arrow next to the user’s name and click View Progress.
  2. A Progress Summary page will open with each activity listed.
  3. Scroll to the activity of interest, such as Discussions.



4. Click on Discussions, you will see that student’s individual posts by topic.


Discussion progress


View Class Progress
  1. Click Assessments in the navbar
  2. Click Class Progress
  3. A summary of each student’s progress will display
  4. Click on a student’s name to view more detailed progress for that student

Class progress

Enrollment Statistics

This feature allows you to see a summary of the users that have been enrolled or withdrawn from your course.

  1. From the Classlist, click the Enrollment Statistics button located on the top.
  2. Scroll to the lower part of the page to view student withdrawals.

Enrollment statistics


  1. Click the arrow next to their name.
  2. Click View Grades to see their grades before they withdrew.


Additional Resources

Go to eLearning Website for detailed tutorials on many D2L topics.

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Article ID: 3573
Thu 2/24/22 3:57 PM
Thu 2/24/22 3:58 PM