Directions on how to use the announcement tools in D2L
Directions on how to add a MediaSpace video to D2L using existing activities
Directions on how to adjust the start and/or end date of a D2L course
Directions on how to create/edit/delete assignments in D2L
Directions on how to provide student feedback on assignments in D2L
Directions on how to use TurnItIn with assignments
Directions on how to edit attendance in D2L
Directions on how to use awards in D2L
Directions on how to navigate D2L Brightspace
Directions on how to view/create/edit calendar events in Outlook and integrate them in D2L calendar
Directions on how to send an email to classlist in D2L, along with view class progress and enrollment stats
Directions on content basics in D2L
Directions on how to copy course materials from another D2L shell
Instructions on checklist basics
Information on discussion basics
Directions on how to export a D2L course
Directions on how to create a group category, group assignment submission folder, and verify/assign group enrollment
Directions on how to create a group, set up group discussions, and how to assess Discussions and Topics
Directions on how to sign into D2L Brightspace for BSU and NTC.
Directions on how to set dates in Discussions, Quizzes, and Assignments
Directions on how to upload a closed caption file to a MediaSpace video