How do I remove an account or profile from Outlook?
How to remove an account from Outlook:
You can either remove an account itself, or you can remove the entire profile.
Removing a profile from a machine:
1. Be sure that Outlook is closed.
- Click Start.
- Click Control Panels.
- Mail (32-bit) to open the Mail Setup-Outlook.
- Next to Profiles, click Show Profiles.

2. It will bring up the Mail dialog box and will show the profile listed in the white box.
- Click to highlight the profile and choose Remove.
- It will ask if you are sure you want to remove this profile from the system? Choose Yes.
- This will not lose any of the individuals mail because it’s all stored on the server. The only items they may lose would be anything saved in the local outbox that haven’t sent yet.
- Click Apply and OK.

Removing an account from Outlook:
- Click Start.
- Click Control Panels.
- Click Mail (32-bit) .
- Click Email Accounts to bring up the Account Settings window.

- Click on the Account you wish to remove and then click Remove.

- It will ask you if you are sure you want to remove the account to which you should select Yes.
If you want to remove the primary account, you have to remove the profile.