Use FindTime to Schedule an Event Across Multiple Calendars

Microsoft’s FindTime is an Outlook plugin that schedules meetings across multiple calendars.

FindTime is similar to a Doodle poll, but since it is tied in to our Office 365 calendaring, it can be much more accurate.  To get started, you’ll need to install the FindTime add-in to your Outlook client.


  1. From Outlook client, click the Get Add-ins button.  From the Add-in selection menu, search for FindTime, and click the search result.

Outlook inbox



2. Add the FindTime Add-in





3. Click Get started for a brief tutorial on the system (optional)


Add FindTime



4. You’ll now see the FindTime meeting poll icon in Outlook.  You can start a new FindTime poll direct from your inbox — as a reply to a message, or from your calendar, as an alternative to a meeting request.   Let’s start by creating a new meeting appointment by clicking the New Meeting Poll button.  


New meeting



5. You’ll now see the FindTime meeting poll icon in Outlook.  You can start a new FindTime poll direct from your inbox — as a reply to a message, or from your calendar, as an alternative to a meeting request.   Let’s start by creating a new meeting appointment by clicking the New Meeting Poll button.  


login  minnstate



6. Now you’ll see some scheduling options based on your and your intended guest’s schedules.  Choose some meeting times that look good, and click Next.


new meeting poll



7. Pick location for your event then click Insert to email. 




8. FindTime will create a new email for you with a link to the scheduling poll.  You can now delete your original appointment message.  Click Send when you are ready to go.





9. When your invited guests receive your message, they’ll click on the Select Options link in the email and be taken to a web site where they can vote on the dates/times that work best for them.  Because we already knew their schedules from the start, there is less work for everyone to find the perfect time!


Choose time



  1. Once everyone has voted, you’ll receive a confirmation to finalize the event.  If there is unanimous agreement on a date, FindTime will automatically schedule the event and alert you.

You can always see your FindTime events by going to your FindTime dashboard at  Sign in with your credentials.

Happy scheduling!

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Article ID: 11490
Fri 12/16/22 11:17 AM
Fri 12/16/22 11:17 AM