Popular Services

Please use this category when the request is not found in other categories or services.

Request to have TV, gaming or streaming device connected to the Residential Hall network

Request form for the 12 passenger van.

Report a computer problem or ask a computer related question.

Update contact / directory info for you or your department.

Request to add or remove keycard access for yourself or your employees

I would like to get a new software or renew an existing license that is about to expire.

If you are having problem with a software or getting it installed you can request assistance here.

Request an update to the content on one of our websites.

Report a printer problem or request for assistance printing or using WebPrint.

Employee onboarding request for IT Services; including accounts and access, equipment checkout and software requests, phones and voicemail setup.

Student worker onboarding process for IT Services; including account access and equipment checkout. To be filled out by the Supervisor. Option for multiple requests.

Report a problem with a site that we operate or manage.

Request to have Hardware/Device (including printers) moved, checked out, requested, picked up or returned.

Request assistance or report a problem in D2L.

Report a problem with the technology in a classroom.

Request for assistance with applications such as Fusion, Handshake, Hockey Tickets, Blackboard, Badgepass, Navigate, etc.

Use this request to start exchanging information about your marketing needs.

If there isn't a good spot to put your request for access, please use this request. This should be submitted by the supervisor.

If you are having problems logging into your BSU/NTC accounts this is where you can ask for help.

Are you having trouble signing into MyBSU, MyNTC, D2L, eServices, Zoom or other applications?

Report any difficulties with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Request for physical brass keys.

Request a new office or department website.