My Recently Visited Services

Report a problem with a site that we operate or manage.

Please use this category when the request is not found in other categories or services.

Report a problem in a lab either physically on campus or remote.

Please use this service to make any other network request that you do not see listed in another service.

Data Recovery for Group storage, personal storage, Microsoft Teams and Office 365 Email/OneDrive. This can also be used to restore data stored on a departmental server.

I need a printer physically moved or removed.

Request a new ImageNow account or a permission change for your employee.

If there isn't a good spot to put your request for access, please use this request. This should be submitted by the supervisor.

After a name change has been processed in the system via HR or Records then IT is able to update your email address to reflect the new name.

Request to get the BSU Conference password for non-BSU people on campus or information about eduroam

Report a problem with the technology in a classroom.

Are you having trouble signing into MyBSU, MyNTC, D2L, eServices, Zoom or other applications?

If you have a specific software or process you are hoping to receive IT training on you can request that here.

Please use this to request assistance with an existing fax line, fax to email, or XM Fax.

Use this service if you have questions regarding ISRS.

Request for physical brass keys.

Request a new office or department website.

Reporting a problem with your office phone or voicemail.

Request a news or media release on campus-related news-worthy events be developed and distributed.

Shared mailbox creation/deletion for a department, club or organization request.

Any Human Resource questions relating to NextGen or Workday please email or for assistance.

Student worker offboarding process for IT Services; including account access removal and equipment return. To be filled out by the supervisor. Options for multiple requests.